Practical information
The office is open weekdays from 8am to 3pm.
Head of office: Kalla Björg Karlsdóttir
School day
School starts at 8:30am for children in grades 1-7.
School ends at 1:40pm for grades 1-4 and at 2:20pm for grades 5-7.
First recess is from 9:50am to 10:10am for grades 1-7.
Lunch is from 11:30am to 11:50am for grades 1-4 and from 12:10pm to 12:30pm for grades 5-7.
Absence notifications
Report absences in Mentor or call the school office at the start of the school day. Report illnesses daily if absent for more than one day. Children may stay indoors during recess for one day after returning from illness. Request leave of two or more days at the school office. Contact the homeroom teacher for extended leave during school time.
Morning care
Morning supervision is available for children in grades 1-2 from 8am. Register with the head of office.
Oatmeal is available for school families every morning from 8:10-8:29am.
School sports
Physical education classes are in the school gym. Outdoor physical education runs from the start of school through September and in May. Children should dress for the weather in comfortable clothes suitable for movement.
School swimming is at Vesturbæjarlaug. Groups are driven to and from the pool.
Children should bring healthy snacks to school. Healthy food promotes student well-being and improves learning ability. Due to allergies, nuts, eggs, and kiwi are not allowed in snacks.
Students use reusable water bottles and bring snacks in reusable containers. Students take leftover morning snacks home so parents can see what was eaten. Only reusable containers are allowed at school.
We encourage parents to send fruits and vegetables for snacks.
Lost and found
We encourage parents to label children's clothes and belongings for quick return. Lost items are near the entrances for grades 1-2 and at the ramp for grades 3-7. Lost items are also in Skýjaborgir and Frostheimar.
All children in grades 1-7 go outside for recess. Teachers and support staff supervise the schoolyard. Grades 1-7 are together during morning recess. Students always go out for recess, with few exceptions and special arrangements. During school hours, the schoolyard is only for school students.
Skýjaborgir (Cloud Cities) after-school program is at Vesturbæjarskóli for children in grades 1-2. Frostheimar is a joint after-school program for students in grades 3-4, and Frosti (Frosty) youth center is for the oldest students in the school.