Healthcare at Vesturbæjarskóli
Healthcare for schoolchildren is part of general healthcare and a continuation of infant and toddler care. The goal is to improve students' health and well-being. School healthcare staff work closely with parents, school administrators, teachers and others involved in student affairs, focusing on their welfare. All information is treated confidentially. School healthcare services are recorded in the primary healthcare's electronic medical records. Vesturbæjarskóli's school nurse works for the Miðbær healthcare center.
Education and prevention
School healthcare provides structured health education and promotes healthy lifestyles in all grades. Every opportunity is used to educate students and raise awareness about their own health responsibility. The annual health week at school is especially used for this purpose. Parents are encouraged to seek advice from the school nurse regarding the child's well-being, mental, physical and social health, or if they have any other questions.

Role and tasks of school healthcare
1st grade (6 years old)
Height, weight, and vision are measured. The vision test is a visual acuity test that measures nearsightedness. A child may have farsightedness or astigmatism without it showing up in the test. Infant checkups are reviewed, and those who have not had a five-year checkup at a healthcare center are referred for a booster vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (in one shot/Boosterix®). Parents are contacted if information about their child's vaccinations cannot be found.
4th grade (9 years old)
Height, weight, and vision are measured.
7th grade (12 years old)
Height, weight, and vision are measured. Booster vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella (in one shot/Priorix®). Girls in 7th grade are also offered vaccination against HPV (cervical cancer). This involves two shots over the year using the Cervarix® vaccine.
A brief interview about lifestyle and well-being is also conducted with the children during these checkups. Students in other grades are monitored as needed.
School nurse
School Nurse: Ester Böðvarsdóttir
More information about school healthcare can be found at